Woo. Promotion.
Hey... So it was a test.
Woo. I'm NC02 now.
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...
Seems digging up the Bambinos corpse and beating him to dust with the first bat he use since moving to New York DID break the curse...
Rapture Ready
The Neurocam website looks to be on the move again.
More than you can poke a stick at.
you got entertainment...
Going back to the start of all this when I first read about it on Tripts website and I got 'that' email, Neurocam's vision seemed to be Neurocam seeks to exploit recent developments in Neurological programming to remotely subvert will. I wonder if this is still the case....?! - Quilly.
Stumble upon.
By E.W. Barton-Wright
But my new payslip has the words "Pull off gently here" written on it...
here is a website that documents the switch of prominent republicans that feel that Bush has abandoned them and their moderate views for something more of the "Far-Right" flavor.
That offered free "credit checks", that you would get idiots handing over their details?
I have added a new game to my sidebar...
Remember when Israel pulled out of the Gaza strip?
Ok, I promised you all the story of how I got my packages...
I think they're sorta talking smaller than suburbs kinda communities. Like
ruce Bartlett, a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan and a treasury official for the first President Bush, told me recently that ''if Bush wins, there will be a civil war in the Republican Party starting on Nov. 3.'' The nature of that conflict, as Bartlett sees it? Essentially, the same as the one raging across much of the world: a battle between modernists and fundamentalists, pragmatists and true believers, reason and religion.But would it actually happen? and more importantly, will it have the chance to happen? you know, with the election and all...
This nasty little thing... And in particular The guy who runs it, that I have been watching the baseball...
If you wanna go read about how the New York Times is supporting John Kerry.
So I walked in and ordered a coffee. I then sat down and looked around for the guy I would be meeting. The couple near the counter? The other couple near the door? Perhaps it was the guy sitting outside, the one with the rubber mask.
They're just making This shit up.
All through high school I had never really been mentally challenged, and the ease with which I dealt with simple material became confused with aptitude.
john kerry is a douche bag but im voting for him anyway.
So this kid gets a fake musket from his school for a civil war re-inactment.
They were a couple weeks together, they knew each other. So orders came down from the generals in Baghdad, we want to clear the village, like in Samarra. And as he told the story, another platoon from his company came and executed all the guards, as his people were screaming, stop. And he said they just shot them one by one. He went nuts, and his soldiers went nuts. And he's hysterical. He's totally hysterical. And he went to the captain. He was a lieutenant, he went to the company captain. And the company captain said, "No, you don't understand. That's a kill. We got thirty-six insurgents.This has happened. This is an atrocity. This is horrible. This better be picked up by the mainstream media.
You know what I told him? I said, fella, I said: you've complained to the captain. He knows you think they committed murder. Your troops know their fellow soldiers committed murder. Shut up. Just shut up. Get through your tour and just shut up. You're going to get a bullet in the back. You don't need that. And that's where we are with this war."
Some random guy said to me. "Good morning mate".
Seriously, how could you not want to read an Article with a title like that...
And my caption competition.
At least if you're typing 'blog & "oh my god its so big"' into google anyways...
Yep. This is definitly the future.
are irrelevent, frivilous and pointless?
I don't know if has been used before, but I am claiming it now as mine.
86 Percent of voters believe the enviroment is an issue.
David Hamil.
Websites... with multiple sections... with multiple scroll bars... are terrible. Ugly. counter intuitive. And make browsing ones website a chore and difficult experience.
Ancient priests from the shrine of goddess Tanit castrated themselves, shaved their heads, wore women's clothes and tried to imitate women's step. Castration was practiced in many Asian provinces in ancient times. Sexual mutilation occurred in orgies arranged by the followers of the Bahus cult. Such orgies occurred on vernal equinox days: people would whip each other to the sound of drums and horns. In the state of ecstasy, people would rip off their clothes, cut off their genitals, run out in the streets and throw them into the windows.Here you go.
A man is waiting for wife to give birth. The doctor comes in and informs
One of those little ride on street sweepers. Road raging a Honda Civic.
Well he made the Osama Audition tapes...
A elderly Romanian man mistook his penis for a chicken's neck, cut it off and his dog rushed up and ate it, the state Rompres news agency said on Monday.
Tonight I learnt a few things.
And I'll just go kill myself...
And although I'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere...