
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The blog is still dead...

But a little bit of whoring never hurts.

Anyone want to click below and sign up for me?

I'll be ya best friend?

And hell, you might even have a little fun there. :)


At 12/5/07 22:10, Blogger Hamish said...

That's a refered link! I'm going to make your monster grow or something if I click on it!

I'm going to click on it.

Wish me luck.

At 12/5/07 22:11, Blogger Hamish said...

Aw, I wanted it to say "Xade has eaten your brains and become stronger. Click here to sign up."

At 3/9/07 08:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the dream thoughts run ironically. http://startso11.info/sztuki+walki.html. There were a thousand http://startso11.info/excel+republika.html people.. Give me the rattan, said Edward, half http://startso11.info/www.gre.ac.uk.html laughing, and offering to take it out of his hand.. Is that fa'r, er is it not http://startso11.info/pi%C5%82karzyki.html fa'r? Mr.. I--we are going over to http://startso11.info/Wyszukaj+mobile+de.html Mr.. We must, therefore, admit that the dream invariably awakens us, that is, it puts into activity a part of the dormant force of the Forec. http://startso11.info/www+mgm+com.html. Hotchkiss, he http://startso11.info/www.4funtv.com.html suggested, politely.. Perhaps it was injudicious, he said mildly, but the sum was so merely nominal that http://startso11.info/krasnalserv.html I bought tickets to the theater to-night.. If we possessed such insight we should probably find that the freedom given to the dream and the expenditure of a certain amount of detached attention represent for the dream http://startso11.info/orNGE.PL.html an economy in energy, keeping in view the fact that the unconscious must be held in check at night just as during the day.. You may spare yourself the pain of trying to impose upon http://startso11.info/onz.lbl.pl.html me.. The physician must reserve for himself the right to penetrate, by http://startso11.info/Rozporzadzenia+Ministra+zdrowia.html a process of deduction, from the effect on consciousness to the unconscious psychic process; he learns in this way that the effect on consciousness is only a remote psychic product of the unconscious process and that the latter has not become conscious as such; that it has been in existence and operative without betraying itself in any way to consciousness.. It is always curious the extent of http://rebestal.info/bks.html influence that some men have upon wives who are their superiors.. No doubt it http://startso11.info/download.net.pl.html would be a mere siege of discomfort.. The note was in a female hand, and simply http://storyah44.info/przypalony+garnek.html requested the Colonel to accord an interview with the writer at the Colonel's office as soon as he left the court.. I can replace any of these dreams by a http://startso11.info/funnyHAMES.PL.html phrase expressing a desire.. She answered his request with another intelligent look and http://startso11.info/Egzamin+Gimnazjalny+w+Warszawie.html a nod.. He lived (Dennis, http://startso11.info/JAFO.html not Thalaba) in his wife's room over the kitchen.. You can http://startso11.info/pa%C5%82eczki+shigella.html reach over the dashboard.. He rounded a jutting http://startso11.info/www.%C2%9Cmiesznegierki.pl.html point, and stretched out a black hand, pointing.. Them's the http://startso11.info/gaterm.com.pl.html fifteen dollars Mr...

At 23/7/08 02:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 30/4/09 11:17, Blogger bran said...

wow, those spambots sure are clever. are you there? still dead/undead?

At 1/5/09 09:34, Blogger xade said...

Still dead. And sleeping.

Actually, mostly sleeping. :D

But still listening. Always listening.

Twitching occationally.

nose nose jeffifer nose gray.

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