
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Jo having a little rant about anarchists...

I think they're sorta talking smaller than suburbs kinda communities. Like

That's so it though. Personal responsibility monitored by personal ethics
only works without governing if everyone has a compatible set of ethical
standards. If one guy decides it doesn't phase him to go raping and killing
five year olds there's no recourse, except perhaps mob brutality. And what
about the fact that my personall ethical standards are so inextricably
linked to the judicial system and the government system that we have in
place (as would be an absolute majority I'm guessing) that to tear away
those systems would be a massive violation of what I percieve to be my
personal standards and rights. Even if 10 percent (which is the figures
they say they need to crush the system) of Australia voted their way, what
right would they have to violate 90% of the communities personal ethical
standards? I mean for a party that apparently wants to run on goodwill...
It's just total bullsh*t.

The whole thing would be a return to the darkages. Without organised larger
communities and cohesive government there can be no effective health or
education or welfare. There is no way that any small community would be able
to afford to run or update a hospital for instance. What are they after? A
society of dimwitted thugs, the majority of which will cark it before they
turn thirty-five? And what about things like power stations and the like?


To which I completely agree.


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