
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Prelude to the last Neurocam post...

Ok, I promised you all the story of how I got my packages...

I'll point you in the direction of Tript's account of events. And I'll fill in the rest.

Ok, you're back? good.

Firstly, I was suprised to recieve 2 packages, I only expected one, but was told by the first guy to "wait for another package. Don't turn around.".

Secondly, I was tipped off to the posability of being followed prior to the mission, hence I was particularly on guard. I *was* suprised to find out who they were though...

Thirdly, my version of hotfooting was running through the bunch of homeless guys behind the church. I must say though, they weren't happy that I was using their gate, I would have hated to have been following me, they really weren't happy, then exchanging my orange beanie for a blue/green one and changing my top...

Fourthly, the packages. Both were manilla envelopes. One contained a CD. The other, Some documents and a CD. Sadly, holding them up to the window on the tram revealed nothing...

Fifthly, the coffee, it was good.

Sixthly (that one rolls of the tongue doesn't it?), don't forget the CD that *I* got in return. I still haven't gotten to a Mac, lousy too busy, but I promise to soon.


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