How can I take this newspaper seriously
I mean, The article sounds real enough, but the picture of Osama is a Shopped version of him as a 7-11 Clerk...
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...
I mean, The article sounds real enough, but the picture of Osama is a Shopped version of him as a 7-11 Clerk...
Nice and subtle...
Seriously, Tom Daley. The man has got to be living in the stone ages right?
Rick Salomon to the New York Post
Salomon also blabbed that he bedded Drew Barrymore "when she was, like, 15 and I was, like, 20Idiot.
Player scores three in 140 seconds
This had a little problem with bandwidth...
I was watching the news last night and there was this cat, stuck up the top of a power pole.
Read This Article it points out whats gonna happen
Justices of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled 5-2 Monday in favor of full, equal, and mandatory gay marriages for all citizens.Next you people are going to want to marry your dog and force that on the rest of us.
"As we are all aware, it's simply not possible for gay marriage and heterosexual marriage to co-exist,"
My Comment system is a PIECE OF SHIT.
In its effort to relieve overstretched U.S. troops in Iraq, the Bush administration has hired a private security company staffed with former henchmen of South Africa's apartheid regime.This is just a new low for these guys. Seriously. My god, What are you people thinking? or are they just showing there true colours some-more.
Did you know that 90% of bird species are monogamous.
Hey, I didn't know Monty had his own Strip.
Haven't These people ever watched any movie that has ever been created that actually involved this topic?
I want to buy This Cat
Where using the word Fuck in a comment isn't a big thing...
What I don't understand is this.
Well, maybe not that big, but it is gonna be 1 Million miles in diameter
O.K. There. Are you all happy now,
Ok people.
Do you like pdfs but can't stand the time it take waiting for acrobat to load?
When you step up to the plate, and just before can you begin, the head of the company gets up next to you and starts talkin' shop and is done before you even get a chance to start.
A razor blade with five fucking blades and a lathering strip.
Whoever he is. I wanna meet the guy. Wouldn't want to work with him... just meet him.
YouThe internet can be strange... yet facinating...
* Can live with me.
* Can live separately from me.
* If separate, I would prefer that you live permanently within a 5 hour drive of me.
* Can live with me or separate from me alternately.
Our Children
* I can take 100% custody after child is out of infancy.
* Would like minimum of 2 months per year custody.
* Degree of custody can alternate.
I actually found this in a comment over at Calpundit
There is some there there definately. Do you think that Rove would have just let Bush hang in the wind for a week, to avoid admitting he had the roids?I'm sure that records go missing, but if they have gone missing, why such convenient ones?
The story about a cleanup of the files seems more likely, since the Alabama files don't seem to exist other than the dentist appointment.
There should be some documentation there in his file, or in the base files. Ya just don't show up to a base for 6 months and get overlooked in all the paperwork. I was in the military. It is a vast paper wasteland. There would be reams of b.s. forms Bush had to fill out when he got there.
First thing is a change of address form for example. Insurance papers get updated when you switch bases. All sorts of ticky tacky crap papers you have to go sign when you are in the military.
He probably would have been required to get flu shots, even if he skipped the regular physical.
Another thing is supply. Bush would have had to been issued new patches for his base. Any new gear he would have needed either through usage or loss would have been written down. There should be a massive paper trail there even for somebody who didn't do much other than filling out the damned forms.
Was he as a pilot issued a personal side arm for example? Even in training, you operate with full gear. There should be records from the quartermaster corps of him checking out a firearm, if he was required to shoot it for proficiency exams. He should have had to take a PT test, again more paperwork.
Even Bush, a week-end warrior, would have a thick ass file from Alabama if he did anything. Duty logs. Since he was grounded from flying, did they make him do grunt work like Officer of the Day on base? Was he officer of the day for his squadron?
Did he have to go through an equipment inspection? The military is big on those, and again, there are forms involved, checking off what gear the person has, what is missing, what is in need of repair.
There is no other alternative here. If the dental record is all that exists, either the file has been massively scrubbed, or Bush didn't show up. That really is the end game. Any vets here, even the right wing nuts know I am telling the truth. You have filled out more forms than you can imagine.
Where is his paperwork?
Again, Lisa points the way to this beauty.
From Lisa
Unknown source:Testify.
1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control.
2. Heterosexual marriages are valid becasue they produce children. Infertile couples and old people can't legally get married because the world needs more children.
3. Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if Gay marriage is allowed, since Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
5. Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are property, blacks can't marry whites, and divorce is illegal.
6. Gay marriage should be decided by people, not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of the minorities.
7. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.
8. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
9. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
10. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
11. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to things like cars or longer lifespans.
12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages for gays and lesbians will.
Man. Bush, you don't even make it hard any more... Lets try a couple.
And sometimes you just need to take those Monday morning blues and deal with them.
Windows NT4 and 2000 Source Code leaked
I've read about Burst a couple of times recently. And no doubt, they allegedly own the patents to which Media distribution is currently run on. Windows Media Player, Quicktime, Real. And they are suing Microsoft.
Has created this nifty little article titled CLAIM vs. FACT: The President on Meet the Press
Any website that touts itself as 'A chronology of Bush saying one thing then doing another' is a good thing in my books.
From the Today Show, Feb. 5, 2004
/me points to This article and shouts "IMPEACH".
Ok mister president, Sourcing jobs out to other countries is a good idea. um... exactly what logic are we following here? is it the same logic that dictates that tax cuts for the rich is good for the economy, I mean hey, it is the top 1% that is gonna benefit from this. Just like the tax cuts.
But in response to your recent entry
I was pointed in the direction of This article. Apparently it is some guy who requested some of Shrubs records before they went "missing". It's an interesting read... Would be nice if it could be verified though but hey... who knows...
I'm sick of being sick... my tummy hurts... I need to get the internet at home...
Well-ity well-ity well-ity... Apparently Moomba doesn't quite stand for what the peoples thought it did... Thanks Snopes.
I must say, I always enjoy reading Sane and level headed people Even when the use of the word sane, in this case, is up for debate. This issue isn't going away, and Solonor has compressed it to its purest form.
I saw this in the paper the other day, written like it was a SHOCK NEW DISCOVERY.
I'm sick of Janet Jacksons breast. Seriously peoples. Get over it. You don't HAVE to be outraged over everything.
Well not for those folks down at Halliburton. In the news again, being dodgy again, 'cept this time they are actually ripping off the American Military.
It's interesting to read about how spam has come to be.
My heart goes out to the man.
I'm sure no-one at the time would ever had something like this
'We had enough evidence at the beginning of May to start asking, "where did we go wrong?",' he said last week. 'We had already made the judgment that something very wrong had happened [in May] and our confidence was shaken to its foundations.'But with articles like this, can somebody please tell me why some other certain people haven't been impeached already?
I was reading This article about the concerns on nano-technology. I have never thought about the implications of breathing in genetically engineered particles before. Kinda scary really.
Have a read of This Article.
Go here
Who said this:
Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion ... and you allow him to make war at pleasure ... If today he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada to prevent the Canadians from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, “I see no probability of the Canadians invading us”; but he will say to you, “Be silent: I see it, if you don’t."
A.) Howard Dean
B.) Noam Chomsky
C.) Gore Vidal
D.) Michael Moore
E.) None of the above
I recently read this quote from Warren Ellis
Hey... does this sound like a good idea to you?
Is it just me or does the mere mention of the superbowl conjure images of a bowl wearing a cape and flying round catchin' bad guys?
The 28 hour day.
Click Here
>> Pilled-up dolphin coin-feast <<Ha. Pilled-up dolphin coin-feast is such an appropriate name. heh heh heh you just can't make that stuff up.
There isn't much to this game, except the
release of near-fatal doses of adrenaline into
your cortex through massive audio-visual mayhem.
It's like sex meets rock - on drugs. Oh yeah
and there's a dolphin, but don't let that put
you off your stroke. We found it an advantage.
awwww, look at Them. They are soooo cute. I just wanna pick one up and say "a who a cute little issy boogum boos? you are, you are." and soo on. and so forth.
I'm sure some cheesy editor will use something like the above title when they print this.
I think the main thing I have against the Bush administation is Che. The man is Dodge.
In the same NPR interview Cheney also insisted there was "overwhelming evidence" of an "established relationship" between former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and the al-Qaeda terrorist group, citing as one clue Saddam's alleged harboring of a suspect in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York.Dodge.
The PowerPoint Anthology of Literature.
Well, the whole mystery blogger thing failed when I couldn't figure out how to set up a new mystery blogger in the 3 minutes I had to post that last post. Eh, it wouldn't have mattered anyhow, me and the mystery blogger were both sick on Friday and had to spend the day in bed. Damn.