
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Nano Tech.

I was reading This article about the concerns on nano-technology. I have never thought about the implications of breathing in genetically engineered particles before. Kinda scary really.

I think the benefits of this technology will be huge. I just hope people realise that the risks are also huge.

I hope people consider the implications and possible long term damage before it gets any more main stream.

Just think. How many carcenogins woundn't there be in the world is the proper studies were done. Asbesdos wouldn't have happened. The food dye in the yellow M&M's, wouldn't have happened. Hatters going made cause they had Mercury in their hats, wouldn't have happened.

We have chance this time to study the implications of our actions this time.

<ICN>Wouldn't it be scary is someone made a Nano-Tech bio weapon of some kind...</ICN>


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