
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Giant Flying Cats

I was watching the news last night and there was this cat, stuck up the top of a power pole.
It was stuck up there for two days because the council refused to shut down power to rescue the little thing.
Anyways, the owners kicked up such a fuss that the council decided Fuck it. we'll get your damned cat, so they shut down power, got the fire fighters with there cherry pickers to go up and get the cat.
The fire fighter was just about to grab the cat when it jumped.
Spread Eagle.
A good 10 meters.
It landed and was all la la la I'm fine. Hi everyone.
The footage was so cute, but I can't find it on the internet just yet. If anyone see it, shot me a link please. t'was very cute.
See what make the news down here in Oz...


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