
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

This is why Gay Marriage needs to be outlawed. Damned if it limits liberty.

Read This Article it points out whats gonna happen

Justices of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled 5-2 Monday in favor of full, equal, and mandatory gay marriages for all citizens.
"As we are all aware, it's simply not possible for gay marriage and heterosexual marriage to co-exist,"
Next you people are going to want to marry your dog and force that on the rest of us.

Hell, if having freedom means that I don't have the RIGHT to impose my religous beliefs on others, if we don't just admit the theocracy we live in, then I don't want a part of it. Maybe we need another crusade, thin out some of there ranks.


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