Why am I cursed?
oh man.
I'm so sick.
Damn you New Years CurseTM.
Damn you to hell!!
At least I'm not at the hospital... yet... :D
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...
oh man.
And when you consider that my last 2 New Years Eves have been spent in hospital, I'm hoping that nothing happens this time...
iieee. This game was fun. Now it is finished.
Ok, today I gave in to the ad that yells at you about it's Bras bras bras and g-striiiings. They got this, they got that, all new for a fraction of the price. The kicker though was 2-3 thousand dollar rugs, 80 Bucks!.
Ahhh Christmas, I've eaten so damn well.
So we all need to reflect on the fact that, not taking into account the calander changes since, 2004 years ago, Santa was born. In the dead of winter... I guess that's why he likes the North Pole.
Go have a little practice.
I have been able to pull this off Their site
NewsAnd I also got it to tell me this
Newsflash 1
Written by Administrator
Mambo 4.5 is 'Power In Simplicity'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic site. Manage all your content from the best CMS admin interface.
Newsflash 2
Written by Administrator
Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM was due to some fool increasing the front-side bus speed. In future, busses will be told to slow down in residential motherboards.
Newsflash 3
Written by Administrator
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Notice: Unknown table 'f' in order clause in /home/oper/public_html/includes/database.php on line 184eh, if I get more time I'll see what else I can make it do...
There are no items to display
#neurocam on chat-sol.
Where you were the red square and you had to dodge the black squares?
And santa needs to clear all the snow off the roads...
Bring on the top ten lists...
The four victims wondered if the girl they were told they were having sex with for three years was, in fact, Stephen Hill.I'm glad he's going to prison though...
I went to the Belgum Beer Garden Cafe place, which wasn't the "first".
You know those environment friendly lights?
from Grahams
Xade,Now, for those who do know, Elizabeth and Franklin cross right in the middle of the Queen Vic Market. Due to the high volume of traffic that would be walking past, I assumed I would be meeting somebody. I had hoped it would be Iocus himself, though I spose that would be a little ambitious of me...
7-11, corner Elizabeth and Franklin, midday Saturday Dec. 11
Silver briefcase with black corners
Although it mentions the "Kiwi Transvestite", It never mentions Shelly Innocence
The spikeTM
Well maybe more of a kitten blogger.
But she just dropped the f word for the first time
And I gotta say, I was one of the most scareafying movies I've ever seen. It just didn't stop. It was scary and suspensful ALL THE DAMN TIME.
"But the hand that was what she tried to concentrate on, the hand, since it has the entire terrain of her torso to explore and not just the otorhinolaryngological caverns -- oh God, it was not just at the border where the flesh of the breast joins the pectoral sheath of the chest -- no, the hand was cupping her entire right -- Now!"I sure hope that nobody finds this site while searching for "otorhinolaryngological caverns"
I've just been reading around about what people have been saying about Neurocam.
"Well spotted, a very astute observation and very relevant to what we are trying to do with Neurocam. I am up to page 385 (The book was in fact recommended to me by one of our conceptual advisers) and it only gets better. I hope I have not given away too much by giving you this suggested reading. There is a chapter where Conchis is talking about a new kind of theatre where there is in fact no audience which is extremely interesting, especially when considering the work of artists like Peter Burke, Robin Hely and Jason Maling. However I still stress that art or even theatre is not the key to Neurocam."I'm amused that our friend Bran is getting a mention, when I, xade, the guy whos picture you can find as part of the tesstimonials, gets nothing!.
http://www.new-media.com.au/index2.htm ("who is robert henley?")
http://capcoincidence.blogspot.com/ : "If you can't read the detail then let me assure you that the billboard reads: "Get Out Of Your Mind. www.neurocam.com".
Needless to say I almost fell over with shock. I snapped this photo with the camera on my mobile phone (hence the poor quality... sorry) and immediately ran home to make this post.
Has anybody else seen this billboard? Are there any others in other locations? What does this mean for Neurocam?
At the very least, I guess this means there are about to be a whole lot more people following the orders of Bridget Fischer and co..." (& more)
http://www.altavista.com/web/results?itag=wrx &q=link%3Awww.neurocam.com -domain%3Awww.neurocam.com&kgs=1&kls=0
I'm generally not a fan of fighting games, but having said that, when you don't understand the rules, it can be a heck of a lot of fun.
A clog where A guy reads comics... and makes witty commentry
asin uten die richtig zeit octum die boatenhousen
Personnally, I don't...
One of those goals has been checked off.
Christmas Snowfight
How can a 2 year old be so damned addicted...
I think that after todays little excursion, perhaps we really should meet in the "cone of silence"
I'm like a hoover now...
A cartoon character...
So I'll speak of Neurocam.
Puzzle Donkey 4
Their reports were disputed by several Pentagon spokesmen who said no such bombs were used nor did the United States have any napalm weapons.Just because it does less damage to the enviroment, it doesn't mean it does less damage to its victims... Remember Vietnam?
The Pentagon destroyed its stockpile of napalm canisters, which had been stored near Camp Pendleton at the Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station, in April 2001.
Yesterday military spokesmen described what they see as the distinction between the two types of incendiary bombs. They said mixture used in modern firebombs is a less harmful mixture than Vietnam War-era napalm.
"This additive has significantly less of an impact on the environment," wrote Marine spokesman Col. Michael Daily, in an e-mailed information sheet provided by the Pentagon.
He added, "many folks (out of habit) refer to the Mark 77 as 'napalm' because its effect upon the target is remarkably similar."
In the e-mail, Daily also acknowledged that firebombs were dropped near Safwan Hill.
And after a week of above 30 degree days leading up to it...