Ba dum. *ch*
Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and values. Stu said, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"
Leroy replied, "I'm not sure, What was her maiden name?"
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...
Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and values. Stu said, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"
According to a Yahoo! Mail global survey of about 37,000 Internet users in 11 countries, 20 percent of U.S. residents admit buying products from spam purveyors.
By making Iraq a playground for right-wing economic theorists, an employment agency for friends and family, and a source of lucrative contracts for corporate donors, the administration did terrorist recruiters a very big favor.
On Blogger Since: January 2004
If the grapevine is to be believed...
that 'they' are going to try to get This banned...
Lord Foucault is an admitted rapist. He does it on impulse -- for the thrill of it and for the feeling of control he has over his female victims.
But he's not attacking women in real life. Instead, Lord Foucault is a character in Sociolotron, an online virtual world that gives players a platform where they can act out a wide range of fantasies.
specially when they translate things into l337
Lately I've been following a little mystery/conspiricy involving
Though I prolly would like my own Golem
Don't go play This game
I have been
I hope so, I mean, there are only so many bullets you can sidestep. I don't think that when This one fires, he will be in a position to sidestep... considering that his arse will still be sore from his slide out of office...
The French judge has been quietly interviewing witnesses in the case since last year and has considered calling Mr Cheney to testify. With the new SEC investigation, that politically explosive prospect seems more remote, if only because French and US authorities appear to be co-operating with each other to exchange information.
Still, the question remains: how much did Mr Cheney know about the contested deal? Halliburton says that Mr Stanley did not report directly to Mr Cheney and points out that the initial deal was signed in 1995 by a company that only became a part of Halliburton three years later, with the takeover of Dresser Industries.
"Halliburton wasn't involved in this," said a Halliburton spokesperson. "This was all put together well before we acquired Dresser."
According to lawyers familiar with the relevant US statutes, however, that may not be a complete defence. Under US law, companies become responsible for any regulatory issues of companies they acquire. And TSKJ continued to win contracts to extend the project until 2002, using Mr Tesler as an agent.
Furthermore, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) penalises any company officers who "knew or should have known" that bribes were paid. Mr Cheney was personally involved in acquiring Dresser, raising the question whether the due diligence conducted during the acquisition should have brought any impropriety to light, lawyers say.
"When I defected I brought some of these counterfeit notes to South Korea, and I showed them to the experts in the South Korean intelligence agency. They said - these are not fake notes. They're real."hhmmm... This is gunna fuck something bad isn't it.
Exactly half the country now approves of the way Bush is managing the U.S. war on terrorism, down 13 percentage points since April, according to the poll. Barely two months ago, Bush comfortably led Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee, by 21 points when voters were asked which man they trusted to deal with the terrorist threat. Today the country is evenly divided, with 48 percent preferring Kerry and 47 percent favoring Bush.And for some reason, I got get the feeling that this trend is gonna reverse itself any time soon...
First thing I did, as always, went to the kitchen for my morning cuppa joe.
of This article cracks me up the most.
The latest by the War Nerd.
One day I will sift through These and point you all in the directions of the good ones.
The presidence has been set.
The Degree Confluence Project
"The illiteracy level of our children are appalling. Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"...
Please. Read this.
Meanwhile, XADS is also planning a more advanced weapon, which will have a range of 100 meters or more. Instead of firing ionised gas, it will probably use a powerful laser to ionise the air itself.
I have found in the kitchen at work the following items.
Seem Smarter
I got 17979 points in this game of Wire Hang and it is fun...
Mobile phone now officially have virii
Please, steal me a sign.
Spokesman Siegfried Hoeppl, said, "Everyone here knows what it means in English, but for us F*cking is F*cking - and it`s going to stay F*cking - even though the signs keep getting stolen."
He said the name came from Mr F*ck and his family who settled in the area 100 years ago, and added "ing", meaning village or settlement.
Scientists have performed successful teleportation on atoms for the first time, the journal Nature reports.Wooo get the spooky action goin'
They found the formerly promiscuous rodents spent more time cuddling with their current partners rather than with new females, compared to control animals.O.K. you can start throwing things at me for that blantant sexual insult.
Pentagon officials tell NBC News that late last year, at the same time U.S. military police were allegedly abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ordered that one Iraqi prisoner be held “off the books” — hidden entirely from the International Red Cross and anyone else — in possible violation of international law.I don't know how much more I can read on this topic. Somebody better get fucking fired soon or like everything else, The People TM will forget. Again.
All of this is a ghastly scandal, one of the worst in American history. It is evident cause for impeachment of this president, if Congress has the courage to do it, and for prosecution of cabinet figures and certain commanders. However in view of the partisan alignment in Congress, quite possibly nothing will happen before the November election.
What then? It also is quite possible that George W. Bush will be elected to a second term. In that case, the American electorate will have made these practices its own. Now that is something for our children to think about.
Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today
in 1381, the Peasant's Revolt, led by Wat Tyler, climaxed when they took the Archbishop of Canterbury hostage and demanded to speak with the King. Richard II, after much negotiating, agreed to the peasant's terms; the nobility was abolished, except for the King's own line, and Wat Tyler was made Richard's Prime Minister. This immediately caused the Baron's Rebellion, which was put down in short order by huge armies of peasant volunteers. In his triumphant speech to his troops after the negotiations, Tyler said, "We will be free forever, our heirs and our lands."Jo. It was Richard the second... And surely Hal wouldn't have let this come to pass...?
To replace all the skinny milk with regular milk?
But it is the first day back after a long weekend and if you're like me, you're gonna feel like Shooting kittens.
Big brother evictee number... 5... maybe? maybe 6, has made history.
If they ever figure out this whole Higgs Bosum thing.
Apparently Britney Spears Injures Her Knee During A Video Shoot...
The town genius, whose name was Marcantonio Smith-to-the-power-Nine, did not live in the town nowadays; he had done so, but found out he got little work done because people constantly came to him asking to solve their problems. So now he lived in a tower with a studio in the nearby forest, where he painted, and sculpted, and wrote poetry, and conceived new kinds of mathematics, and invented perpetual motion, and did everything a genius ought.
So let me tell you all a joke.
Man, I wanted to use that answer every chance I got...
See, if I was writting This article it would have had the above title.
the internet could put them at risk from bomb-making, blackmail, HIV, asylum seekers, aliens and blindness.Don't ya just love a good ol' fashioned out of context quote.
Scott over at The nook has had it with this horrible direct marketing company and this horrible direct marketing company.
Well, at least from the circle I choose to travel in...
Reagan was only marginally less vile than Bush II in so far as when he was feeding you crap he managed to spread it out thin and got all the lumps out so it went down smooth, even if you ended up gagging on the flavor. Our dear baby Bush serves it up nugget-style straight out of whatever special interest group or contributor he is currently sucking up to. Everything else about their politics is exactly the same.From Mileah
"Old Republicans never die, they just leach into the ground water to poison future generations”.
Let's forget for a moment that Reagan was involved in some of the most shady dealings in the history of US presidental abuses then later he didn't seem to recall he was even in the room much less the White House. Let's forget he funded, armed, and manned a guerilla war against a legally elected government. Let's forget about the death squads that roamed El Salvador with US dollars in their pockets. Let's forget he presided over an economy with crushing deficits.From Solonor
Awww hell, even forgetting all of that I can't get weepy about Reagan's passing.
The more I am reminded of the legacy of Ronald Reagan by the endless tributes, the more I remember that he was the first politician I came to loathe. I'm sorry, but it was the Reagan Administration putting its blind determination to oppose the Soviets ahead of all logic that lead directly to 3,000 people being killed on September 11, 2001. Or are you still that naive to think that arming and training Osama bin Laden was a good idea?Now, I'll be honest, I'm not up to scratch when it comes to Reaganomics, but from what I have heard, he really wasn't that great...
Funny music.
The busy-ness of a floor in a building is directly inverted with it's height off the ground.
The bush campain has recently sent out the below eMail to a number of congregations in the Pennsylvania region
Subject: Lead Your Congregation for President Bush (news - web sites)People aren't happy.
Dear : The Bush-Cheney '04 national headquarters in Virginia has asked us to identify 1600 "Friendly Congregations" in Pennsylvania where voters friendly to President Bush might gather on a regular basis. In each of these friendly congregations, we would like to identify a volunteer coordinator who can help distribute general information to other supporters. I'd like to ask if you would like to serve as a coordinator in your place of worship. We plan to undertake activities such as distributing general information/updates or voter registration materials in a place accessible to the congregation. If you are interested, please email Luke Bernstein at (mailto: ) your name, address, phone number and place of worship. If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please do not hesitate to e-mail me or you can call me at 717-233-4066. Thanks, Luke
Paid for by Bush-Cheney '04, Inc
I have this spot on the back of my head and whenever I scratch it, it send little tingly shockwaves through my body.
xTREME Snowboarding.
It is not often that the audience at a scientific meeting gasps in amazement during a talk. But that is what happened recently when researchers revealed that they had deleted huge chunks of the genome of mice without it making any discernable difference to the animals.All I can really say about This article is...
The result is totally unexpected because the deleted sequences included so-called "conserved regions" thought to have important functions.
"It speaks for itself that the president initially claimed he wanted to get to the bottom of this, but now he's suddenly retained a lawyer," said Jano Cabrera, spokesman for the Democratic National Committee.It's starting to come to a head.
"Bush shouldn't drag the country through grand juries and legal maneuvering. President Bush should come forward with what he knows and come clean with the American people."
But can somebody please get me one of These?
Cheese, especially when not feeling well, can really turn on you...
In all, 21 people were hurt during Friday's annual cheese rolling race
Is a little consistancy
It is an advantage that Bush and other presidents before him have enjoyed. President Clinton frequently was criticized by Republicans for his record-setting use of Air Force One in the campaign season, and Bush is exceeding Clinton's pace.
One owner was in the cabin when "he heard a noise, goes out to check and finds the hand on the rear deck of the boat," said Nassau Detective Sgt. John Azzata. "At this point, we don't have a clue where it came from. It's a mystery."
OK. we have...
Well. It's winter.
xade has defeeted his evil brother Toyotami, AKA Trang, in a Battle Royal