And a shout out
To the most wonderful Brandelion.
Arteeste extrodinare.
And most wonderful designer of the site of yours truely.
She has a portfolio up and running now, so go peruse and if you like what you see, I hear she works for food... ;)
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...
To the most wonderful Brandelion.
she works for food...
the portfolio is only a ploy to lure victims into my boiling dinner pot of cannibal joy. i reel them in with a false sense of security, confident they are there just to look at the pretty pictures, and when it is least expected, out comes the...
i mean, to get some work. yeah. the portfolio is to get some... work. :P
Ignores the infantile desire to make a Not eaten by Bran yet joke...
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