
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Jerry Costello has got sack.

Man, That Costello fella. I'm impressed
U.S. Rep Jerry Costello has called for impeachment hearings against U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney during Congress' session that begins today...
Costello questioned the award of billions of dollars of contracts to Cheney's former corporation Haliburton to extinguish fires and rebuild Iraq's oil infrastructure after the war.
And I completely agree with the man. I wondered this myself at the time, surely it couldn't have been legal, awarding contracts without bids, and to top it off, he was the CEO for the 5 years before running with bush... Sus sus sus.

I 'spose Che will just have to throw money at it and soon Costello will be living under a bridge disgraced... or his wife will be outed as a Federal Agent... or he will mysteriously commit suicide... This administration sure is dodgy.

Let the hearings begin.


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