
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I thought this was illegal...

“Gets to a point where in July, the end of July 2002, they need $700 million, a large amount of money for all these tasks. And the president approves it. But Congress doesn't know and it is done. They get the money from a supplemental appropriation for the Afghan War, which Congress has approved. …Some people are gonna look at a document called the Constitution which says that no money will be drawn from the Treasury unless appropriated by Congress. Congress was totally in the dark on this."
So that bush fellow misapproprated funds. Funds that were designed to fight the War on Terror TM, funds designed to capture Osama, funds designed to disable and destroy the Taliban, fund designed to keep America safe which he then illegally funneled into his shame of a war.

Do you think bush knows that if he wins the next election, then he's gonna go get himself impeached?

Anyways, lets keep reading...
“That decision was first conveyed to Condi Rice in early January 2003 when he said, ‘We're gonna have to go. It's war.’ He was frustrated with the weapons inspections. He had promised the United Nations and the world and the country that either the UN would disarm Saddam or he, George Bush, would do it and do it alone if necessary,” says Woodward. “So he told Condi Rice. He told Rumsfeld. He knew Cheney wanted to do this. And they realized they haven’t told Colin Powell, the Secretary of State.”
But, it turns out, two days before the president told Powell, Cheney and Rumsfeld had already briefed Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador.
This part however, could actually be used to help bush and his cronies. I mean hey, they could discredit anyone from their ranks who come out with the truth with a simple "But hey... We kept Colin out of the loop, we keep people out of the loop all the time". Hell, they could even run on that.

Bush/Che 04 - Keepin' Colin, out of the loop. (I was gonna write keeping people out of the loop, but keeping Colin just sounded more... aestetically pleasing...) They're bound to get in on that ticket...

The full story is here.

Combine that with this tasty little treat:
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States and a long-time friend of the Bush family, has given the pledge that "certainly over the summer, or as we get closer to the election, they could increase production several million barrels a day and the price would drop significantly."
And I think the spin machine is gonna have to ask it's Spin Team TM to stay back for another 90 days.

Even though it would be nice to have cheaper fuel, it shouldn't be done purely as a political stunt. If he has the power to just ask, why hasn't he? Why do I get the feeling that he's getting low in his little bag of tricks.

- As seen all over the internet.


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