
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Monday, March 20, 2006

um... Jo...


can... we... um...

can we get this?

You'll love it, I swear, in fact, you don't even need to click on the link... just say yes. :D


At 20/3/06 16:44, Blogger Solonor Rasreth said...

My mini geeks already have it and have already littered the dining room table with it (there are, literally, a bazillion pieces). You need one, too.

At 20/3/06 17:23, Blogger xade said...

- Dining table hey - check... oh wait *dining*... d'oh
- A Bazillion chokable bits? - um... d'oh
- mini geeks? - If my training works, they will be here in 5-10 years... then we will outnumber the non-geeks! mwahahahaha

hmmmm, maybe I have a few kinks to work out prior to getting it...

Jo! Don't listen to Solly! ;)

man, I can't wait to have a pair of mini-geeks...

At 30/3/06 21:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing as I'm doing my Bi-annual blog rounds..... If you get this game, repeat after me: "I will invite Danny over to play".......I can be uncle geek. An eight level Night Elf, who roams the country side looking for creatures of the night to slay all while singing a merry tune.

At 4/4/06 16:29, Blogger johana said...


I don't look here for a wee while and THIS is what you get up to? Planning the social dysfunction of my children?!

Well... you can have Indy but Dorian's mine. :P

At 5/4/06 12:24, Blogger xade said...

woohoo! one out of two ain't bad... :D

And Dan, definitely mate, definitely.


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