
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Monday, July 04, 2005

long time...

No post.

Two things have happened recently, One significantly more important to the other, but I'll let you the home view decide that...

Firstly, Jo has gotten her ultrathingame done and it's gunna be a boy. Yep, that's right, we're going to have a full set now. But there has been quite the heated discussion over here about what to call the little bugger. I for one have throw my support behind Grimes. Or at least I'm going to call him grimes as his nickname for the rest of his life... Nice work Teigs ;)

Secondly, I'm now a supporter in Gothador. Woo. Took me a while, you should go play, you really should. And you should subscribe. You don't get the full benefit of playing such a wonderful game until you subscribe. And it really is a wonderful game...

Now, the big question. Which one of the above statements was more important?


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