
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Monday, February 07, 2005

I'm sure you have at least heard a little by now...

Of the plight of Cornelia Rau
Queensland police say they were unable to identify her, even though she was listed as missing with NSW police. They handed her over to immigration authorities after she gave an alias of "Anna" and spoke some German, leading them to suspect she was "an illegal non-citizen".
10 months later she was released.

Ten fucking months. And for what? Not carrying ID? Speaking a little German?
The Kafkaesque aspect to the "Anna" case is that for 10 months alarm bells that were meant to bring about intervention against wrongful detention and treatment were rung. But those who should have been listening were not.
And you say that immigration is doing alright. 10 fucking months of her fucking life!
It was understandable authorities would think mentally ill Australian woman Cornelia Rau was an unlawful citizen, Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said today.
And what is this? Amanda fucking Vanstone is defending the fact that they stole 10 months of that womans life. Defending it! Defending this
Ms Curr said both areas had video surveillance and she called on the Government to release footage relating to allegations of mistreatment, including that guards had watched her shower.

"There was another report that one day in the compound she was eating dirt and weeping, and that the guards went up and kicked at her. They were laughing and kicking at her," she said. A Department of Immigration spokesman denied the allegation of mistreatment
This is what we do to people we deem illegal immigrates. Regardless of their ethnicity, this is just fucked. She should be fucking sacked for this shit.

And while I'm pissed off, you know where this story got a mention is the good ol' Herald Sun?

Page fucking 5. A fucking fat arsed golfer who came THIRD was on the front page. A woman who had 10 months of her life stolen, degrade, and abused by the government. Oh, that's just page 5 news.

Fuck Rupert Murdoch. And fuck the direction that this country seems to want to be taking on the issue of detention.

I had enough, I'm going for a fucking ciggarette...


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