
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Friday, January 07, 2005

ok... I haven't posted recently so...

Have a few games...

Firstly, Chuck. Chuck is a rubber man. Apparently he likes to be thrown around a bit... go throw him around.

Sparks. Which bloody drives me insane in this inebriated state.

And finally, Snowy. He's a bear who thinks he is bubble bobble. But if you liked bubble bobble you would prolly like snowy. Unless you think he's a mindless hack cashing in on bobbles fame. Sorta like bubble was before the marketting guy stepped in and was all, Bubble bobble sounds better than bobble bubble, and then who got the lady at the end? huh yeah, that's right. Not bobble...

oh, and tonight is the first time I've ever seen the show Trigger Happy TV and man is it quality viewing...


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