
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Friday, March 05, 2004

Start the day off with something sad

Dr. Catherine Hamlin has been helping women with in Ethiopia with this for 50 years now, 50 years, thats such a long time. Sadly enough, she will be stepping aside soon, but I think she will be remembered and loved for many years to come.

“To meet only one of these mothers is to be profoundly moved. Mourning the stillbirth of their only baby, incontinent of urine, ashamed of their offensiveness, often spurned by their husbands, homeless, unemployable except in the fields, they endure, they exist, without friends, without hope. They bear their sorrows in silent shame. Their miseries, untreated, are utterly lonely and lifelong.”
Drs. Reginald and Catherine Hamlin, 1974
If you have anything to spare This is an excellent cause.


(And on a seperate not... is it just me or does Fistula sound like the title of a really bad porn?)


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