
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Oh Brother.

I am a fan of reality TV. I know that it is an oxymoron. I know that it isn't 'real' (but who can define what real is...). I like seeing stupid people be stupid so that the inner bitch in me can bitch about random people from the comfort of my own home.

What I don't like it this.

Big brother and their mother fucking secret... ooohhh, so the people win more money. who gives a fuck. It doesn't effect them. They don't even fucking know.

Seriously. You can't go around for weeks building up some secret, spreading rumours, running your whole goddamned campain on this 'secret' and the 'will it [insert something here]' ads.

I mean, fuck. I told Jo that if the secret turned out to be some pissy, over-hyped piece of shit, that I would be cranky.

And fuck. I was cranky.

ok... lets resume our regular reading...

sorry bout that kiddies... and language filters...


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