
Braaaains... BRAAAIIINNNSSSS... heh...

Friday, January 16, 2004

Bush making a space station on the moon...

Not gonna happen

Between now and the first landings on the moon, two presidential elections will occur, as well multiple congressional elections. The public, whose support for the initiative will be crucial, will have ample opportunity to have its attention distracted by other developments at home and abroad.
I wonder if funding will get cut? now let me think... Health care for U.S citizens or PUTTING A SPACE STATION ON THE MOON? um... Fund public schools or PUTTING A SPACE STATION ON THE MOON? and heres one even the right will agree with. Fighting a war on terror or, you guessed it PUTTING A SPACE STATION ON THE MOON?

Now don't get me wrong. It would be absolutly awesome to have a space station on the moon, but sadly, money can be and needs to be spent on things that are a lot smarter that putting a space station on the moon.


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